Claim Audit and Premium Analysis Services Company


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Information contained in this Web site is for informational purposes only and to be used solely for the purpose of the viewer to familiarize the viewer with CAAPASCO and, if the viewer elects to do so, contact CAAPASCO to discuss CAAPASCO services. Neither CAAPASCO nor any CAAPASCO employee or representative have linked this Web site to any third party Web sites and have not authorized, endorsed or agreed to endorse any advertisements, advertisers or products. CAAPASCO does not guarantee any results from any discussion concerning its services, work activity or product that may be conducted on behalf of a viewer that contacts CAAPASCO to discuss CAAPASCO services, or engages CAAPASCO for services to be provided. Any and all information collected by CAAPASCO will be held in strict confidence and privacy and will not be divulged to any other source without expressed written consent by the viewer. CAAPASCO does not charge a fee for viewing this Web site and assumes no responsibility for any claim of indemnity or damages that might be alleged under any theory of contract, negligence, liability or tort by the viewer who might contact CAAPASCO or any CAAPASCO employee or representative to discuss CAAPASCO services.